Good morning
Brothers and Sisters,
When I was back
home, my parents always taught me that no matter what I do, if I ever wonder
what I should do, I should follow the prophet.
It was something they always inspired into the minds of their children
and I've always been able to remember that counsel. So today, you've probably assumed I'm talking
about following the prophet. One of my
favorite songs that my mother taught me when she was in the Primary; she was
the Primary chorister; she taught us all about the song Follow the
Prophet. I always loved that song. It is one of my favorites. It always talked
about the many great stories from the scriptures like Adam, Noah, Moses, every
single one of them and it really helped me to get a love for the Prophets in the
scriptures. And also for the story's in
the scriptures. I've always loved the
scriptures and telling stories from them.
I'm going to be telling several story's today from the scriptures. To start off, there is a Scripture in D&C
1:38 "What I the Lord have spoken I have spoken and I excuse not myself
and though the heaves and the earth pass away, my word shall not pass away but
shall all be fulfilled whether by mine own voice or by the voice of my
servants, it is the same."
I just want
each of you to ponder that while I go through some of the great story's we have
in the scriptures. The first one is a
story from the Old Testament about two kings that were trying to decide what they
were to do. One of them was named King Ahab
and the other was named King Jehoshaphat.
King Ahab was a really wicked king.
King Jehoshaphat , although not a righteous king, he did recognize his
dependence on the Lord. They were
deciding to go to war against this nation.
King Jehoshaphat asked for some prophets to come and to prophecy about
what they should do to receive the will of the Lord. A bunch of Ahab's personal
prophets came to them and they all said the same thing - "Oh Yes, go and
fight Syria and the Lord will deliver them into your hands. Everything is going to go great." King Jehoshaphat said, "All of these
prophets are saying the same thing. There
isn't any that will say anything else! Is there any other prophets?" King Ahab says, "There is yet one man by
whom we may inquire of the Lord but I hate him for he never prophesied good
unto me only evil." Jehoshaphat
said, "Well let's bring him in and ask him." Micaiah came in and told them, "Don't go to war. Go back to your
homes. Everything is going to be fine. The
Lord will take care of you." King Ahab, being a wicked king and hating Micaiah, ignored it and went to battle and
was later killed in the battle. And so
when the Lord speaks through his servants it is very important that we listen to
what they say because as the scripture said whether by my own voice or by the
voice of my servant, it is the same. Each
must remember that if Jesus Christ himself came to us and asked us to say,
abstain from coffee, tea, alcohol, and tobacco, then I would think that
everyone in here would do it very easily.
story from the scriptures is the story of another king named Hezekiah. He was a good king. At this point in time they were at war with Assyria. The Assyrians were very violent and
cruel. And the Assyrians had seized Jerusalem
and surrounded it. Hezekiah went to the
prophet. The prophet at the time was
Isaiah. And he asked Isaiah to pray and
ask God what they should do. In spite of
the fact that all these armies were surrounding the city, even at their gates. And in spite of the fact that the king was
making threatening notes to the king, Isaiah told Hezekiah to not worry - that the Lord would fight their battles for
them. The next morning when the King of
Assyria woke up, every single one of the soldiers in the Assyrian army was
dead. The Lord has promised us that as
we follow the prophet we will be protected, that we will be guided; we will be
safe in our journeys.
Brothers and
Sisters, I testify that gods' church has
been led by prophets in the past and it is now being led by a prophet
today. And just as obedience to the old
prophets is important, obedience to the living prophets is just as
important. As we follow the voice of the
prophets then we will be able to be comforted and strengthened in our
trials. In just over a month we have
General Conference. What a wonderful opportunity we have to listen to the
prophet and 12 apostles again. I know
that as we commit to writing questions
that we have that those questions will be answered by the prophets in general conference. We will be able to receive our own revelation
from what they say. I'm very grateful
for the opportunity to share this message with everyone. And I say these things in the name of Jesus
Christ, Amen.
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