The missionary's were challenged by their Mission President to make a Scripture Chain connecting scriptures. This is Mike's (which he had printed and formed into an actual large chain, and sent it to Claire for her Christmas Present! It is proudly hanging in her room!)
1. Title Page Second
Paragraph - What is the purpose of the Book of Mormon?
2. Jacob 1:6-8: What did the people of the Book of Mormon do
with their knowledge of Christ?
3. Ether 3:14: What did Christ do for us?
4. 3 Nephi 9:15: These
next few verses prove that Jesus Christ created the Earth. Why Him but not Father?
5. Mosiah 3:8: Why is Jesus sometimes referred to as the
6. 2 Nephi 2:14: What does Lehi mean by "things to act
and things to act upon?"
7. 2 Nephi 2:19: The next few verses deal with the Fall. Elder Holland said it is critical to know
about the Fall to understand Christ. Why
do you think that is?
8. Alma 12:22: What happened because of the Fall?
9. Ether 3:2: Evil is a strong word! Why did Mahonri, who's just about to see
Jesus Christ, use such a description?
10. Mosiah 3:19: How do we overcome the Fall?
11. Mosiah
4:6-7: How did God solve the Fall?
12. Helaman
14:15-19: There were two things Christ
saves us from. What are they?
13. 2 Nephi 17:14: These next few verses speak of His
Birth. Why is it significant?
14. 2 Nephi
19:6: This isn't a question, it's a
quote to help answer #23: C.S. Lewis
said, "God became a mortal man. How
can we understand that? Imagine, for a
moment, choosing to become a lowly gnat, or even a single-cell organism. That still does not compare to what he
15. Alma 7:10: Why did Alma say Jesus would be born at
16. 1 Nephi
12:3-12: Nephi was shown this in answer
to his question about the meaning of the Tree of Life. What was his answer?
17. 3 Nephi 12:3-12,
44, 48: The next few verses deal with
his Ministry. As you read the
Beatitudes, ponder on why each Beatitude is where it is.
18. 1 Nephi
11:26-29: Look up the word
Condescension. How does these verses
show His condescension?
19. 3 Nephi 13:9-13,
31-33: These are more of His
teachings. As you read His prayer, think
about what He said for his example of a prayer.
20. Mosiah
14:2-4: I firmly, and with all my heart
wish we could read some of Jesus' journals.
I'm sure He had some. What do you
think He wrote in them?
21. 3 Nephi
14:7-11: If this is true, why doesn't
God always give us what we want?
22. 3 Nephi 17:9,
21: I would highly advise you to
carefully study and ponder upon this whole chapter. It's beautiful.
23. Alma 7:12: Remember the C.S. Lewis quote? Think about that as you read this verse.
24. Mosiah 14:4-5,
7-9: My heart is pained whenever I read
this. How He loves us!
25. 2 Nephi
26:24: He commandeth NONE to not partake
of His Salvation! He loves the whole
26. Ether 12:33: Too many people believe that the spirit world
is relaxing. He didn't rest, and neither
will we.
27. Alma
11:42-44: Dad probably loves verse
44! I want you to understand, however,
how amazing it is that we have this knowledge.
Others either have a false conception on what resurrection is or who
gets it. Amulek lays it out plainly.
28. Mormon 7:5,
6: How is the sting of Death swallowed
29. Mosiah
15:20: If the chains of death are
broken, why do we still die?
30. 3 Nephi
11:1-17: I particularly love the first
sentence of verse 14. I picture the love
and the eagerness in His voice as He says, "Come unto me!"
31. 3 Nephi
26:6: The good news is that we can still
learn some of those things through our own studies and ponderings.
32. 2 Nephi
25:26: Again, this is the purpose of the
Book of Mormon
33. 2 Nephi
33:10: This is my wish for you.
34. Ether 12:41 -
This is my invitation to you. These are
only a few links that you can make. Make
your own!
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