Monday, September 22, 2014

September 8, 2014 Awesome Week!

Dear Family,
What an awesome week! Seriously, really great week this week! As I'm sure Dad has sent you, I was able to send some pictures finally! More are coming! I hope you enjoyed them.

 My package is officially cleaned out! I've eaten everything except a few kisses and chocolate coins! So thanks to all that was a part of that, it was all delicious. :9

 This week was amazing, even though many a person missed their appointment. But we pulled through! Elder Blossil and I met several cool people on an exchange on Tuesday. The next evening we talked with this JW lady for a while, discussing the Bible and the Book of Mormon. Sorry to say she couldn't really give us a straight answer to our questions. She'd repeat the same answer to several questions too. It was sad. Plus she said she'd give me a Watchtower, but she never did! I got jipped.

 Anyhow, on Friday we taught Grace and  Robert about the Word of Wisdom, something we knew would be a bit of a struggle for them, seeing how they smoked, drank, and Grace does Marijuana. But she had actually decided to quit drinking not long after we met her, so that was a step in the right direction! Unfortunately, she's been finding it difficult, particularly when Robert's around. He's a bad influence on her in that area. We actually taught them in Robert's flat, in the presence of Robert's flatmate, Bill. Bill was cool! He asked us so many questions. We left behind a Restoration pamphlet for him. 

So, cool story: Friday night, after we finished our Daily Planning for the next day, I gave the closing prayer. I prayed for something I hadn't thought of before: that those people we were going to meet the next day be prepared that night to meet us. The next day, Saturday, we met this guy William. He's super cool, and had a lot of questions! But the best part is that the night before he had been on the phone with a Catholic friend, and they had talked about God, and how he (William) could find out that God is there! He said that that conversation was the reason he was even giving us "the time of day"!! God is awesome. He's such a boss.

 Teresa, btw, has a date in mind! She's been thinking constantly of the date September 19th!!!  Obviously, God does not want her to "procrastinate the day of her repentance". But that is only two weeks for her to get married and baptized! Honestly, it can only happen with God's help. So please pray for her!

 Grace and Robert weren't at church. They had forgotten to set the alarm. So that was disappointing. But we were able to meet with Billy Williams, a guy who's the cousin of this sister in the ward! That went very well! We also met with William, and that was great too! Both are on their way!

 I love you all so much! I love this work and I can't wait to learn more! I love the Book of Mormon!!!!

Elder Bates

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